Wednesday, January 15, 2025

THURSDAY, January 16 - Wheeler Airport laps - START 10 AM

 OK - Here's my plan:

  With snow is still out there I thought we would try laps around the downtown airport.  We will meet at Hangar 2 (the address shown on the sign in front of the building where I parked was 150 Richards Road).  Laps are 3.67 miles.  Last week I did 5 laps + an extra out and back on the back stretch to make a 20 mile ride out of it.  That would be my suggestion for Thursday's ride.  We could meet for lunch in NKC (I'm thinking Chicken N Pickle) after.  

The Buck O'Neil Bridge bike lane is not rideable.  Snow removed from the car lanes was dumped on the bike lane so it will be a while before that can be ridden into the City Market area.

The very Southeast corner of the lap may have some moisture but I expect it will be OK. If it is slick at all it is only for a few centimeters so you could walk through that section.  I anticipate that you will be able to ride through.

If we start at 10 AM the temperature will cool but certainly rideable - dress warmly.  35 degrees, sunny and moderate wind speeds were exactly the conditions when I rode and I was comfortable while riding.

There is the possibility that a southland group may do this same ride (not sure of time if they do) on Friday.  If so, I will probably ride then, too.