Wednesday, August 30, 2023

THURSDAY, August 31 - Embassy Suites around to Price Rite Mart (on trail) -- 9:00 AM START

 Its going to be one of those cold August mornings (global warming is a hoax).  I'm delaying the start until

9:00 AM

I have routes a 32 mile course with a planned stop 24 miles in at the Price Rite Mart near the Line Creek Trail at 64th St.  Temperatures when we stop will be in the mid 70s; great for using their picnic tables for our socializing and dining.

I had been thinking that if the group is sufficiently small we might stop at Haye's Hamburgers (just off the route) instead.  That would be at the 16 mile mark and they do require CA$H payment there.  With the weather as advertised I expect we will have too many riders for Haye's.  We might decide to go with the original plan in any case.  I'm good with either.

Look at this weather!

By the way - my back has returned to normal and maybe even a little better.  I rode a short ride Sunday and it helped.  I hope this continues and I plan to continue with PT and exercises for continued improvement and prevention.  Glad to be back.