Wednesday, March 27, 2019

THURSDAY, March 28th - Figure 8 route from Embassy Suites - 8:00AM Start

I've been waiting for the forecast to improve.  At 12:45 PM Wednesday this is what I am seeing:

It looks like it could after we might start and rain is likely by 1:00PM.  

I have us starting at 8:00AM to try to get ahead of the rain.

I propose this Double Loop Route keeping us close to the start.  The northern route is 12.53 miles going via Martin Rd and Skyview to a possible breakfast stop - Scott's Kitchen at Ambassador & Cookingham (a new place for us).  From there straight back to Embassy is 15 miles total.  Lengthening options toward and even around Weatherby Lake could take the mileage up to 19 / 24 / 27 / or 32 miles.