Sunday, September 16, 2012

THURSDAY, Sept 20, Embassy Suites to Dearborn - 8:00 AM start

  It's about time for another trip up interurban to Dearborn for breakfast at Cook's Corner.  We will follow this route (with the possibility of minor alterations).  This is approximately 40 miles round-trip and pretty flat and pretty.

  Also you may notice a new gadget at the top of the right column.  You can subscribe to receive emails automatically whenever I create a new post on this site.  It appears to be easy to unsubscribe if you later decide not to receive updates.  For now I plan to continue sending emails myself (redundant if you subscribe) when I post a new ride but I may eventually quit that so that only subscribers will get email notifications that a new ride is "up."  If you have this site bookmarked you can always visit the site without prompting to see the latest posting.

  If you wish to be removed from my email distribution list for this ride please reply to that effect and I will remove you from the list.

See you Thursday.