Tuesday, July 11, 2017

THURSDAY, July 13th - Embassy Suites to Happy Gillis? - 8:00 AM Start -- AND -- SATURDAY, July 15th - Knuckleheads to Kate's Kitchen - 8:00 AM Start


I am still deciding the exact route but I have decided we will depart at 8:00 AM to beat the heat of the day.  I had initially planned this route to Happy Gillis and we could do this or decide another breakfast stop instead.  We can discuss this at the start

8:00 AM Start
On SATURDAY, July 15th I will lead another of  the (appoximately) monthly rides to Kate's Kitchen from Knuckleheads.  The idea here is to ride to brunch from Knuckleheads leaving at 8:00AM for Kate's Kitchen at 80th and North Oak. Kate's has been great about seating our group promptly upon arrival, serving us quickly and presenting us with a selection of great items from their menu.
  The NEW ROUTE is about 12 miles to Kate's while the return to Knuckleheads is approximately 20 miles of mostly downhill and flat, a good half of which is on a beautiful trail. There could and likely will be a stop at the Velo Garage and Tap House in NKC 3 miles from Knuckleheads.

This earlier start should leave plenty of time to regroup and head to Kelly's Westsider for the Dry Dollar Band playing from 4-7 PM 

I hope you can make this ride as well.