Monday, August 3, 2015

THURSDAY, August 6 : Embassy Suites to Smithville - 8:00 AM start --AND-- SATURDAY, August 8th : Knuckleheads to Kate's Kitchen - 8:30 AM start


  We rode to Smithville about a month ago (July 2, I believe).  The route was well received in spite of the distance and hills.  This route is 17 + miles to the Dotson Family Cafe (formerly Lowman's) for breakfast and around 27 miles returning for 44+ miles total.
There are a few modifications due to road repairs/construction and the different destination (from the July trip).  Hope you can make it.


This Saturday, August 8th, I'm leading the regular Knuckleheads to Kate's Kitchen Ride.  This ride leaves the Knucklehead's parking lot at 8:30 AM for the approximately 20 mile ride to Kate's Kitchen for breakfast.  The return is aroung 12 miles and has an optional but encouraged stop at the Cinder Block brewery in NKC about 3 miles from the finish.  Knuckleheads will have their regular blues jam (no cover) playing beginning at around 1:00 PM.