Thursday, June 29, 2017

FRIDAY, June 30 - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 8:30 Start

As a replacement for the rain-out of this week's Thursday ride I am leading this: A ride to Roxanne's in Platte City going through Camden Point on the way out.  The route there is 24.5 miles; the return is about 15 miles.  This would have been my preferred route for Thursday but wind direction and speed made me switch.  Conditions for Friday are more suitable for this route.

The Forecast as of Thursday AM

I hope some of you can make it.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

THURSDAY, June 29th - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 8:30 AM Start


I'm thinking about a Friday ride instead.  Stay tuned.

This week I plan to ride to Platte City from Embassy Suites still starting at 8:30 AM.  The breakfast stop will be Roxanne's Cafe, an old favorite.

The route is 20.5 miles there and a return of 16.2 miles for a total mileage = 36.7 mi.

As of Tuesday afternoon there are significant chances of rain at the start and end of this ride.  I will monitor this and modify the route if need be.  There is a Figure 8 Route that I use keeping the ride closer to the start that could be an option BUT I would prefer the Platte City route if possible.