Monday, January 12, 2015

THURSDAY & SATURDAY, January 15th and 17th: Embassy Suites to Milwaukee Deli & Knuckleheads to Kates Kitchen

I'll lead a ride on Thursday, Jan. 15th, leaving Embassy Suites at 10:00 AM for the Milwaukee Deli at 9th and Baltimore.  The map below shows my tentative planned route.


  Saturday I will lead the monthly (approximately) ride from Knuckleheads to Kate's Kitchen (Menu).  This leaves Knuckleheads at 9:00 AM for brunch at Kate's Kitchen at 80th and North Oak.  This time we will ride the Line Creek Trail from Vivion Road in Riverside to it's northern most point at Barry Road.  This will eliminate the largest hills of past rides though the out-bound distance is now 20 miles.  The return remains 13 miles and will include an optional stop at the Cinder Block (micro brewery - 2nd stop on Tour de Bier) in NKC.  A live blues jam awaits us on our return to Knuckleheads.