Wednesday, October 30, 2019

THURSDAY, October 31 - No Ride BUT MONDAY, November 4 - HonkyTonk Monday at Knuckleheads 7:30 PM Free

It's a little cold for my blood though the sunshine part of the forecast is encouraging.  We will try again next week.  As of Oct. 30 the extended forecast for Nov. 5 isn't great but we can hope that changes.  Sunday looks like the best day in the next several.  I hope you can find some ride time this weekend.

One suggestion - If you enjoyed the Ken Burns Country Music program you might enjoy:

This is a free show - the dance floor fills up with two-steppers and others - the music is "real" country and is great - the usuals are Dave and Jimmy Nace , Carl Butler, Bobby DeMoss, and many of special guests.

I've been the last two months and had a great time.  I'll be there again for the November show.  The show starts at 7:30PM and is free.