Wednesday, June 27, 2018

THURSDAY, June 28th - Embassy Suites to Riverside - 8:00 AM Start

It's going to be a hot one.  I am planning a route to Riverside that includes a run on the English Landing trail (crushed limestone) and about 1.25 mile of the levee (gravel) on the way from Parkville to Riverside; all of this to avoid as much of Hwy 9 as possible - still about 0.6 miles of 9 will be ridden not counting the portion before Parkville).  The breakfast stop will be at the Corner Restaurant at 21.4 miles leaving 10.6 miles back to Embassy Suites using much of the Line Creek Trail.

I'm hoping the shade on the trail will cool us a little on the return.  Make sure you have plenty of water and sunscreen for this one.

See you there!