Wednesday, November 29, 2023

THURSDAY, November 30 - Embassy Suites to Scott's Kitchen - 9:00 AM Start

I hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving as we begin the holiday season.  There are some seasonal rides listed at the bottom-right side of this blog.  Feel free to ask for details if you're interested and the links below don't supply all the info you want.  

I have reduced the mileage for this week's ride to right at 30 miles.  There is an increased chance of rain (still in the 20% range) as the ride goes toward the afternoon.  Also it's a little cooler - still reasonably in the mid 40s at the start.  I measure this route to Scott's Kitchen to be 22 miles to breakfast and 8 mile back for a total of 30 miles.  There is a way to shorten the return if need be.