Wednesday, March 13, 2024

THURSDAY, March 14th - Embassy Suites to Platte City (I hope) - 9:00 AM Start

 Firstly - HAPPY PI DAY!

I've been watching the weather again.  It looks like this week we have the reverse situation as last week.  Last week we were hoping the rain would stay away long enough for us to get a ride in - AND WE DID.  This week we hope the rain will leave soon enough for road conditions to be let us get our ride in.  My most recent viewing of my weather app looks like maybe we can ride.

Note that the pre-ride rain chances are not extremely high AND they have been improving so I'm hoping.  The temperatures look good.  

Here is the route I propose - to Roxanne's in Platte City.  It's 12 miles up and 18+ miles back for a little over 30 miles total - with some incessant hills in some sections.