Wednesday, December 27, 2023

THURSDAY, December 28 - No Ride


I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and is looking forward to a Happy New Year.

I look forward to seeing you all in 2024 for another year of cycling and friendship.

I am unable to meet up this week but next week I plan to ride or at least meet for breakfast.

Until then,


Tuesday, December 19, 2023

THURSDAY, December 21st - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 9:00 AM Start

 It looks like the rain will stay away for our Thursday ride and the temperatures are pretty good so lets give it one more ride before Christmas.  I have plotted a 30 mile route (12 miles up, 18 back) to Roxanne's in Platte City.

Hope you can make it.  See you there.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

THURSDAY, December 14 - Embassy Suites to Kate's Kitchen - 9:00 AM Start AND Christmas Lights Ride 5:00 PM Brookside

 I first want to invite you all to a fabulous Christmas Lights Ride from Brookside.  This ride is Thursday (12-14) night.  Note that the ride starts at 6:30 from the Charlie Hoopers back lot BUT there is a kick-off party at 5:00 that you are welcome to attend (see address below- a couple blocks from Hoopers).  Traditionally the ride has started with a merry jaunt to the Plaza for a few laps wishing shoppers a Merry Christmas.  Then a short climb with a stop at Loose Park then a continuation to some great home lights in the Brookside area.

Here is the route from the 2017 ride (10+ miles):

I will have a shorter ride to Kate's Kitchen this week - 22 miles, around 11 miles each way.  Here is the route. We leave Embassy Suites at 9:00 AM.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

THURSDAY, December 7 - Embassy Suites to Riverside - 9:00 AM Start

 This week I have a ride to the Corner Cafe in Riverside.  It's perhaps 12 miles there and 30 miles total BUT I have mapped in a few hills mostly after the meal stop.  There will be a significant south wind for the ride - I'm hoping it will blow us up a couple of those hills.  In trying to stretch this route out to over 30 miles total I have added some segments I haven't been on for some time.  You may want to be prepared for a few extra miles.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

THURSDAY, November 30 - Embassy Suites to Scott's Kitchen - 9:00 AM Start

I hope all had a Happy Thanksgiving as we begin the holiday season.  There are some seasonal rides listed at the bottom-right side of this blog.  Feel free to ask for details if you're interested and the links below don't supply all the info you want.  

I have reduced the mileage for this week's ride to right at 30 miles.  There is an increased chance of rain (still in the 20% range) as the ride goes toward the afternoon.  Also it's a little cooler - still reasonably in the mid 40s at the start.  I measure this route to Scott's Kitchen to be 22 miles to breakfast and 8 mile back for a total of 30 miles.  There is a way to shorten the return if need be.


Tuesday, November 14, 2023

THURSDAY, November 16th - Embassy Suites to the Homesteader Cafe (7th and Walnut) - 9:00 AM Start

 I just mapped this route out as a 39.3 mile ride, 20.2 miles there and 19.1 miles back.  I've been to the Homesteader - it was nice but it's been a while.  A Southland group went there recently - the report I heard was that it was good and the people were accommodating.

A little cool at the start and a little windy.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

THURSDAY, November 9th - Embassy Suites to Dearborn - Start at 9:00 AM

   We will ride to Dearborn again this week leaving Embassy Suites at 9:00 AM for this nearly 40 mile route. This will probably be for an early lunch at the Dearborn Cafe.  

This will be a cool start but will warm up nicely.  The mild wind will assist slightly on the return.

I know you made this trip in my absence in October.  I hope you don't mind making this trip again.  I've been taking on hills lately and could use a flatter ride BUT I am aiming at a yearly distance goal and could use the miles this ride offers.  See you Thursday.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

THURSDAY, November 2nd - Embassy Suites to Smithville - 9:00 AM Start


UPDATE (Thursday Morning)

My garage door cable broke yesterday and I can't get the door open.  I have a repair guy coming this morning.  My rear brake on my bike is on the fritz so my bike is in the shop.  I'm hoping all of this will be resolved early today but I won't be able to make the start of the ride; probably I'll miss the entire ride.  The ride IS ON!  Bob will be leading again.  

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

1st - I'm including this link to my Rhine River tour pictures again.  Be forewarned - there are a bunch.  Feel free to ignore this.

For this week's ride I'm going back to Smithville for (probably) lunch at Hwy 169 Cafe; I don't remember what their breakfast cut-off time is.  The route is 21 miles there and 14+ miles back for a little over 35 miles total.

It will be on the cool side going up but the wind will be at our back so it will be better than a cool headwind.  The return will almost be summer-like.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

THURSDAY, October 26 - Probably wet SO Show and Go if things change or Breakfast at Hy Vee at 9:00AM

 I'm back from my nearly 3 weeks trip up the Rhine River with extensions on each end.  A few extra days in the Netherlands and a few extra days in Italy.  We had a great time though not much riding.  My long ride was 17 miles and I had 2 days of less than 10 miles.  I'm ready for more miles but the forecast for Thursday looks like rain or at least wet roads in the morning.

If raining or wet I propose we meet at Hy Vee (Barry and St Clair) for breakfast at 9:00 AM

If the weather is better than is now forecast I will announce a change.  I haven't mapped a route yet so it would be a show-and-go.  I'm sure we can find something.

Thanks (as always) to Bob for leading in my absence.  I look forward to seeing you all again.  

Monday, October 2, 2023

THURSDAYS, October 5th, 12th and 19th - Embassy Suites SHOW-AND-GO - 9:00 AM Start

 I will be out for these three weeks, Bob Papreck will be leading these (thanks, Bob) - surely faster, maybe longer and maybe hillier but you're tough.  I am going to put a few recent (or modified) ride maps below upon which  you may base your route selections or make up your own.  Have good rides and I'll see you on the 26th.

Corner Cafe (816) 415-0050 in Liberty - 18 miles; the trip back is about 16 = 34 miles total.

Map route here:

HWY 169 Cafe (816) 343-2177 in Smithville - 20.5 miles up, 14.6 back for 35.1 miles total.

Dearborn Cafe (816) 992-0117 in Dearborn - about 19 miles each way for 38 miles total.

Map route here

Riverside Corner Cafe (816) 741-2570 - 17.5 miles there; 15 back for 32.5 miles total.

Parkville Rochester's Brewing & Roasting 
(816) 381-6133 - 17.5 miles out; 15 back =32.5.

 Platte City and Roxanne's (816) 858-7027 - 15.16 miles up and 19.27 miles = 34.43 miles. 

 Map route here is

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

THURSDAY, Sept 28th - Embassy Suites to Kate's Kitchen - 9:00 AM Start

 This week I have us going back to Kate's Kitchen along this route - 24 miles there, 12 miles back for 36 + total miles.  I did pick on a few hills and I have us wandering around a bit - sorry not sorry (as the kids say).

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

THURSDAY, Sept 21 - Liberty (Biscari Bros Bike Shop) to Excelsior Springs - 9:00 AM Start

 I just returned from driving this route to check on a possible reported problem AND a different problem mapping on Map My Ride.  Both of these proved to be surmountable so THIS TRIP IS A GO!  The drive was beautiful - I hope tomorrow is the same.  

We will take a route from Biscari Brothers Bicycles in Liberty out through Missouri City mostly on Old 210 at 25.5 miles to the Wabash BBQ in Ex springs.  The return is on H about 16 miles back for a total of 41.5 miles.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

THURSDAY, Sept 14th - Embassy Suites to Banksia (9th & Baltimore) 8:30 AM Start

 This ride is an ambitious run to downtown KCMO going to Banksia for out breakfast.  The route there is 17.6 miles over the Fairfax Bridge to KCK then through the West Bottoms to 9th and Baltimore.  The return is 21.2 miles as laid out back over the HOA Bridge for a total of 38.8 miles.

I've been riding quite a bit lately.  I hope I have this much left in me.

Looks like a cool start and a very mild finish.

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

THURSDAY, Sept 7 - Embassy Suites to Liberty (Ginger Sue's) - 8:00 AM Start

 I'm returning to the 8:00 AM Start for this 36 mile ride to Ginger Sue's in Liberty.  The route is 19.4 miles there and 16.6 miles back (reversed from my usual trip there - outbound is south; return is north). The start my be a little cool so prepare but it should be a nice day with moderate temperatures and winds.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

THURSDAY, August 31 - Embassy Suites around to Price Rite Mart (on trail) -- 9:00 AM START

 Its going to be one of those cold August mornings (global warming is a hoax).  I'm delaying the start until

9:00 AM

I have routes a 32 mile course with a planned stop 24 miles in at the Price Rite Mart near the Line Creek Trail at 64th St.  Temperatures when we stop will be in the mid 70s; great for using their picnic tables for our socializing and dining.

I had been thinking that if the group is sufficiently small we might stop at Haye's Hamburgers (just off the route) instead.  That would be at the 16 mile mark and they do require CA$H payment there.  With the weather as advertised I expect we will have too many riders for Haye's.  We might decide to go with the original plan in any case.  I'm good with either.

Look at this weather!

By the way - my back has returned to normal and maybe even a little better.  I rode a short ride Sunday and it helped.  I hope this continues and I plan to continue with PT and exercises for continued improvement and prevention.  Glad to be back.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

THURSDAY, August 24th - SHOW AND GO from Embassy Suites - 8:00 AM Start

 I will be unable to make the ride this Thursday so I have asked Bob Papreck if he would lead this week.  After a ride last Friday I have been experiencing some back pain annoying enough that I went to my doctor's office yesterday.  I have a PT appointment on Thursday to see if I can get relief from this infrequent but rather sharp pain I have had - I'm not sure if the pain is related to my biking - I kind of think not.  I hope to be back by next week.

In the mean time you are in good hands with Bob and I'll leave the route up to him.  I might drop by for the start of the ride.  

The weather remains warm to hot.  Stay cool and hydrate.

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

THURSDAY, August 17th - Embassy Suites to Dearborn - 8:00 AM Start

  We will ride to Dearborn (breakfast at the Dearborn Cafe) again this week leaving Embassy Suites at 8:00 AM for this nearly 40 mile route. This is perhaps the least hilly ride I lead.  

The weather looks pretty good again.  A nice tailwind for the return trip.
BTW - wind speeds have been upped by 1 or 2 mph since I clipped this forecast.

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

THURSDAY, August 10 - Embassy Suites to Liberty (Corner Cafe) - 8:00 AM Start

I've decided to go with last week's intended route.  (weather has been updated)

 I'm heading to the Corner Cafe in Liberty.  The trip out maps as about 18 miles; the trip back is about 16 = 34 miles total. 

Here's the route and weather:

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

THURSDAY, August 3 - Embassy Suites to Liberty - RAIN OUT - BREAKFAST @ HY VEE AT 8:30


BREAKFAST AT HY VEE (Barry & St Clair) AT 8:30 

I'm heading to the Corner Cafe in Liberty.  The trip out maps as about 18 miles; the trip back is about 16 = 34 miles total. This is only my 2nd ride post RAGBRAI.  My first was only 20 miles or so and I had no power.  I hope I'll be recovered.  RAGBRAI was fun in spite of the heat and several complications BUT still fun.  We had great hosts in most towns - our Coralville hosts were incredible.

Here's the route and weather:

Saturday, July 22, 2023

THURSDAY, July 27 - No Ride this week

 Due to many regular riders attending RAGBRAI this week there will be no scheduled ride this week.  See you all on August 3rd (if not sooner).  Enjoy the summer weather this week!

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

THURSDAY, July 13 - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 8:00 AM Start

 This week I have us going back to Platte City via Camden Point - up Interurban, across I-29 and Back 371 to get there making the return to Embassy Suites after breakfast (at Roxanne's) pretty short.  It's 24.5 miles there an a little under 11 miles back; 35.3 miles total. Here is the route:

and the forecast - fill your water bottles.

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

THURSDAY, July 6th - Embassy Suites to Smithville - 8:00 AM Start

 I have mapped a ride to Smithville for breakfast at HWY 169 Cafe.  The trip there is a hilly 17.2 mile ride, the return is 26.3 miles for a total mileage of 43.4.  I haven't ridden Mount Olivet recently so feel free to express thoughts on this route.  It's a beautiful ride but it does carry some traffic in some sections.  Options are available.

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

THURSDAY, June 29 - Embassy Suites to Riverside - 8:00 AM Start

 With the heat in mind I have mapped a route of 30 miles total, 17.5 miles to the Corner Cafe in Riverside and 12.5 miles back. The return trip has its first half in the shade of Line Creek Trail.  I think we will finish before it gets too hot.  You might notice there are a few "stretches" especially in the 2nd half of the return to make this ride just over 30 miles.  You are always welcome to add your own "stretches" to get more miles - Just follow Dan C. or even Dan K. and the gang to Weatherby.  

Monday, June 26, 2023

TUESDAY, June 27th - Art's Final 2 Hearts Ride - you're invited - From Bonner Springs - 12:00 Noon Start

 I have an annual doctors appointment Tuesday morning at 9:30.  Right after this appointment I intend to head to Bonner Springs (parking lot at 2nd & Elm) for a 12 noon start.  This ride will consist of an out and back to the Legends Honda dealership followed by another out and back to De Soto.  Each leg is about 10 miles for a 40 mile total.  

I'd love to have some company.  There's a brewery to try post ride.  My cell is 816-699-1498 if you need to reach me.  It's the same number even if you don't need me.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

THURSDAY - June 22 - Embassy Suites to NKC - 8:00 AM Start

Here's the latest:

  I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out.  I'm going to aim for First Watch in NKC using this route - around 20 miles there and 16 miles back for 36 miles total.