Wednesday, March 5, 2025

THURSDAY, March 6th - Looks like no ride - Breakfast at 9 - Hy Vee

 The snow Tuesday night into Wednesday looks like it got us again.

 There will be some melting Wednesday but the overnight temps dip below freezing and warn to just 32 degrees by 9 am.  I don't think riding conditions will be re-established in time for our morning ride.  (I may try to get out in the afternoon if it's possible,)  

Let's Breakfast!

Hy Vee


as has become usual this winter.

I hope this is the last snow-out for a while!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

THURSDAY, February 27 - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 9:00 AM Start

 It will be in the mid 40s when we start but will warm to the mid to upper 50s during our ride to Roxanne's in Platte City.  We'll follow this route which has 1 good hill each way so be ready.  It's about 15 miles there and 12 back (with a tail wind).

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

THURSDAY, February 13 - No Ride (Duh) - I'm going to miss the breakfast gathering.

Well here is the 2nd major round of snow.  Enough already.  I have one ride in this month.

I think I will miss the breakfast tomorrow as well.  The roads may be a little iffy in the cold temps of the morning.

If you wish to meet you could contact each other and set this up on your own with my blessing.

Stay warm and I will plan to see you one way or the other next week.

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

THURSDAY, February 6 - Northland Breakfast Meeting - Hy Vee - 9:00 AM

 The morning conditions still aren't so good for riding so I'm calling for breakfast one more time.  I hope next week will allow us to ride.

The conditions do improve so afternoon riding may be possible.  I'll let you work that out for yourselves.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

THURSDAY, January 16 - Wheeler Airport laps - START 10 AM

 OK - Here's my plan:

  With snow is still out there I thought we would try laps around the downtown airport.  We will meet at Hangar 2 (the address shown on the sign in front of the building where I parked was 150 Richards Road).  Laps are 3.67 miles.  Last week I did 5 laps + an extra out and back on the back stretch to make a 20 mile ride out of it.  That would be my suggestion for Thursday's ride.  We could meet for lunch in NKC (I'm thinking Chicken N Pickle) after.  

The Buck O'Neil Bridge bike lane is not rideable.  Snow removed from the car lanes was dumped on the bike lane so it will be a while before that can be ridden into the City Market area.

The very Southeast corner of the lap may have some moisture but I expect it will be OK. If it is slick at all it is only for a few centimeters so you could walk through that section.  I anticipate that you will be able to ride through.

If we start at 10 AM the temperature will cool but certainly rideable - dress warmly.  35 degrees, sunny and moderate wind speeds were exactly the conditions when I rode and I was comfortable while riding.

There is the possibility that a southland group may do this same ride (not sure of time if they do) on Friday.  If so, I will probably ride then, too.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

THURSDAY , January 9th - Hy Vee (St Clair and Barry Rd) - 9:00 for breakfast

 Still a little snowy, cold, wet, miserable etc. 
so lets do breakfast again.

9:00AM at Hy Vee on Barry Rd & St Clair Ave

See you there!

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

THURSDAY, January 2nd - Breakfast at Hy Vee at 9:00 AM - Kelly & Ann in town


 I am going to call for a breakfast meeting at Hy-Vee for the first Thursday of the New Year.

Though the temperatures don't look too bad I'm going to skip the ride in favor of a breakfast get-together at the usual spot.  Kelly and Ann are in town and plan to be there (Kelly mentioned that Bob owes him a breakfast).  

I may get the bike out later in the day when temps ride and the sun comes out.

BTW - I do plan to do an organized ride New Year's Day at 2 pm from Strange Day's Brewery in the City Market area.  I understand a crossing of the new Buck O'Neil Bridge is on the route.  If you get this in time feel free to join.  Kathy West is the organizer and leader.

I hope to see you Thursday and maybe Wednesday afternoon.