Wednesday, October 12, 2016

THURSDAY, Oct. 13th - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 9:00 AM Start

A little cooler this week but in February we would be happy with these conditions:

I plan to ride to Roxanne's in Platte City going through Camden Point on the way up.  The route there is 24.5 miles; the returnm is about 15 miles.  We can probably find 1/2 mile wankage if you want a 40 mile trip (I am considering the trail off of 136th back to Running Horse instead of what is mapped - that would probably do it).

We will leave at 9:00 am.  Temps in the low to mid 40s warming to the mid 50s.  There will be a few hills to warm us up along the way.  See you there?