Friday, August 12, 2022

WEDNESDAY - August 17th - Embassy Suites to Smithville - 8:00 AM Start

 I'm giving early warning - I'm moving the ride to WEDNESDAY this week.  I will be unable to lead on Thursday but I want to get back after RAGBRAI and COVID have interrupted my Northland group riding.  I'll be happy to be back.  The extended forecast looks great for the 17th so let's try that.

The route I have mapped is 24+ miles out and about 12 miles back for a total of nearly 37 miles.  

The forecast I'm looking at (Friday 8-12-22) has the high at 82 degrees with a 9mph ENE wind.  Sounds perfect.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

THURSDAY, August 11th - SHOW N GO led by Bob - 8:00AM Start

 I feel fully recovered from COVID but i still test positive.  I understand this could persist beyond my contagious period.  I understand that I should be masked at least 5 days beyond any symptoms.  To be on the safe side I think I should not ride again this week.

Bob has offered to lead again this week.  The ride will start at 8:00 AM again this week.  I fully expect to be back again next week so I'll see you then.