Friday, June 21, 2024

THURSDAY, June 27 - SHOW and GO from Embassy Suites - 8:00 AM Start

 I am unavailable to lead the ride this week so, as usual, Bob Papreck is taking the reins again and will lead the ride.  The destination and route will be of his choosing and the pace will surely be faster than when I am there to anchor things.  

Enjoy the ride and I plan to be back for the first ride of July.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

THURSDAY, June 20 - Embassy Suites to Smithville (Hwy 169 Cafe) - 8:00 AM Start

 I have this old route picked out for Thursday - it looks like about 21 miles up to Smithville with a stop at the Hwy 169 Cafe and 14 miles back for approximately 35 miles total.  There will me a mild headwind for the return - a cooling feature for your riding pleasure.

I'll see you there.