Monday, September 23, 2019

THURSDAY, Sept 26th - Embassy Suites to Kate's Kitchen - 8:00 AM Start

Bob is headed to Colorado and I am not 100% yet BUT I do have a plan.  This week I have a ride to Kate's Kitchen.  I have stretched the "there" route (this link has there and back via short route) to just under 15 miles.  For me and anyone wanting to join me the "return" route is only 8.6 miles.  Google maps my distance as 23.34 miles total.  Knowing that some of you will want more mileage I have also mapped a longer return route of 21.2 miles for a total of almost 36 miles.  The first 3 miles of both return routes are the same.  At Platte Purchase near Costco the short route (green) takes the trail toward Line Creek Parkway while the longer route (blue) heads north on Platte Purchase.  See the linked routes for details.

The weather looks pretty good for Thursday!