Wednesday, January 1, 2020

THURSDAY, January 2, 2020 - Embassy Suites to TBA - 9:00AM Start

Happy New Year

I'm looking forward to more great riding with friends in the new year.  I do plan to go the first Thursday of 2020 leaving Embassy Suites at 9:00AM.  I will update this post later today - perhaps quite late BUT I will see you at 9 at Embassy Suites for the 1st of my Thursday rides this New Year!

I thought we'd start 2020 riding with a trip to Dearborn (breakfast at the Dearborn Cafe). This is approximately 20 miles each way.  This pushes my self-imposed limit but the terrain is gentle and the wind and weather seem well suited for this ride.  Starting at 9 we might miss the breakfast menu (or not). 

 Below is an old map.  As much as I try to avoid up-and-back rides that is probably what I will do.

By the way, sadly:

There was a good turnout for the Memorial Ride for Pablo Sanders, Jr. Wednesday evening.
Click on photo for Facebook event info.