Wednesday, March 25, 2020

THURSDAY, March 26 -Social Distancing Version - Wheeler Airport 10:00AM

I hope you have been able to get some riding miles in spite of the stay-at-home order (see the order document - Section III item 1. iii : Biking is allowed).

Here is my plan for Thursday.  I am riding from home starting at about 8:30AM with the intent of being at the Wheeler Airport (Northeast end parking lot) at 10:00AM.  I will do few laps before heading home.  If you would like to see me there and say, "hello," and social distance together I would love to see you.  I did this ride yesterday (Tuesday).  There were quite a few people on the trail as I returned home.

I'll tie a bandana around this signpost when I get there.  I'll ride clockwise around.  If you need to look for me and I'm not in sight you could ride counter-clockwise to find me.  I will remove the bandana when I leave.

See you but :