Wednesday, December 25, 2019

THURSDAY, December 26 - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 8:30 AM Start

I hope everyone is having a nice Christmas morning (as I type).  Merry Christmas to all of you.

I am planning to lead a ride Thursday, 12-26 to Platte City starting at 8:30 from Embassy Suites, breakfast at Roxanne's. The ride up is 13.4 miles; back is 18.7 miles for a total of 32.1 miles with several hills to work off some of the calories.

Weather is forecast to be pretty good - 40s while we ride with a moderate wind.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

THURSDAY, December 19 - No Ride

With overnight temps forecast to be sub-freezing I am cancelling the Thursday ride because of possibly slick conditions.  Afternoon temps are heading into the mid 40s so use your judgement about possibly getting out for an afternoon ride. 

The Thursday night Christmas ride (Brookside) I have been touting has also been cancelled.  I will post if I learn of a reschedule.  I did do the Santa Rampage ride last Saturday with nearly 100 other Santas and a few elves, Grinches and other seasonal creatures. I'm in here someplace.

There is a good video and lots of pictures on the Santa Rampage KC 2019 Facebook site.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.  I'll see you on the next good riding day if not before.  

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

THURSDAY, December 12 - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 9:00 am Start

OK - Here is my thought.  We only would increase the start temp by 2 degrees by waiting till 10 so LETS START AT 9:00 AM.  I thought we would ride to Platte City; breakfast at Roxanne's.  This route takes us out 13.5 miles with the wind.  The return is 16.6 miles into a pretty good wind but there are hills and trail riding to block its effect and a 1 mile finish with a tailwind.  Total distance is 31.1 miles.

Possible alternate route to Riverside - two real hills.  Wind first and mostly on the trail downhill.
11 miles to the Corner Cafe, 12+ miles back; 23+ total.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

THURSDAY, December 5 - Embassy Suites to NKC - 8:30 Start

I have a memorial service to attend Thursday afternoon so I am planning the route below - about 15 miles to NKC and 17 miles back:

Map My Ride has changed so it may take some time to get used to the link.  

 The ride starts from Embassy Suites at 8:30.  I will probably leave from home this time and stop at home as the route passes on the way back.  I may also need to ride without a breakfast stop - we will see how the time goes.  I haven't decided on a breakfast stop yet - we can discuss this at the start.

Looks cool at the start but warms nicely.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

THURSDAY, November 28 - Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

I am not going to lead a ride this week.  Enjoy the day and I hope to go again next week.

Several organized biking event dates have been updated in the right column below including the Cycling Kansas City winter party scheduled for January 24th.   

Friday, November 15, 2019

THURSDAY, November 21 - Embassy Suites SHOW AND GO - 9:00 AM Start

Bob Papreck will lead (in my absence) a Show-and-Go ride from Embassy Suites at 9:00AM.  I will try to post updates if and when they become available.

I also encourage you to consider the Cranksgiving ride on Saturday, Nov. 23rd.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

THURSDAY, November 14 - Embassy Suites to somewhere warm - 10:00 AM Start

The temperatures and sunshine are similar to last week (when I canceled) but the winds are forecast to be down a little so I am going to try - plus I'm 12 miles from 4000 for the year so I'm after that.

Let's meet at 10:00 and decide a route based on conditions at the start.  My thought is to head south with the wind at first - maybe Riverside - then back on the trail to block the wind a little.

Here are the details of "my thought."

The Route Link

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

THURSDAY, November 7th - Canceled

The forecast is not improving enough so I will not be leading a ride this Thursday.

Let's hope we can get one in on November 14th.

I hope you got a ride in today (Wed 11-6). The weather was great.

Looking ahead - I will be out of town on Thursday, Nov. 21 and Thanksgiving is Nov. 28.

BTW - Cranksgiving is on November 23rd

This forecast is borderline for me.  The temperatures are pretty low but sunshine is promised.  My thought is for a shorter than usual ride with a delayed start.  I'll try to post a decision Wednesday mid-day.  

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

THURSDAY, October 31 - No Ride BUT MONDAY, November 4 - HonkyTonk Monday at Knuckleheads 7:30 PM Free

It's a little cold for my blood though the sunshine part of the forecast is encouraging.  We will try again next week.  As of Oct. 30 the extended forecast for Nov. 5 isn't great but we can hope that changes.  Sunday looks like the best day in the next several.  I hope you can find some ride time this weekend.

One suggestion - If you enjoyed the Ken Burns Country Music program you might enjoy:

This is a free show - the dance floor fills up with two-steppers and others - the music is "real" country and is great - the usuals are Dave and Jimmy Nace , Carl Butler, Bobby DeMoss, and many of special guests.

I've been the last two months and had a great time.  I'll be there again for the November show.  The show starts at 7:30PM and is free. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

THURSDAY & SATURDAY (10 / 24 & 26) Northland Bike Rides - to Riverside and Knuckleheads to Kate's Kitchen - 9AM Starts

THURSDAY, Oct 24 - Embassy Suites to Riverside
9:00 AM

This Thursday I plan to ride to Riverside, breakfast at the Corner Cafe.  The route is 19 miles there and a little under 10 miles back - 28.75 total.  It would be easy ride additional miles at the end.  My doctor thinks I need to behave by not overdoing it with longer rides so I plan to stay around 30 miles for a while.
Not crazy about this forecast!

SATURDAY, Oct 26 - Knuckleheads to Kate's
9:00 AM

Saturday, October 26th I will lead another ride to Kate's Kitchen from Knuckleheads.  The idea here is to ride to brunch from Knuckleheads leaving at 9:00AM for Kate's Kitchen at 80th and North Oak. Kate's has been great about seating our group promptly upon arrival, serving us quickly and presenting us with a selection of great items from their menu.

  The route is about 12.5 miles to Kate's while the return to Knuckleheads is approximately 21 miles of mostly downhill and flat, a good half of which is on a beautiful trail.  I have modified the return to cross the Fairfax and Lewis & Clark bridges instead of the Heart of America.  It's about the same mileage with probably better car traffic flow - let me know what you think.

  There could be a refueling stop at a micro-bewery in the River Market (Strange Days) or West Bottoms (Stockyards) before working our way back to Knuckleheads and their no-cover blues jam.

It’s cool but not too bad. In January we will be hoping for weather like this. 

The older route and map can be found via these links.

Monday, October 14, 2019

THURSDAY, October 17, Macken Park to the Hi Dive - 11:00 AM Start


I almost forgot I have a scheduled follow-up with my orthopedist for what I expect will me my last elbow check-up.  Though not yet 100% I think it is well on the way to being healed.  The elbow fatigues after a few miles but I have been able to ride 30+ miles with very little problem.  

Because of this appointment I am unable to go at the usual time and Bob is unavailable to lead this week as he prepares for a half-marathon this weekend.  I should be OK to leave at 11 AM.  My appointment is in NKC at 8:40.

Here is the route.  It maps as 16.32 miles to lunch at the Hi Dive.  Definitely a Dive but with Hi quality food.  The return trip measures 11.3 miles for a total of 27.62 miles.  I think you might find this interesting.  I've picked out a few sights along the way; river views, interesting neighborhoods, hills, trails and more.

We get a 10 degree bump by waiting till 11:00AM to start.  This looks like excellent conditions especially with sunshine.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

THURSDAY, Oct 10, Morning Bike Ride and/or Breakfast- Embassy Suites figure 8 (modified) - 8:30 Start

I've been waiting for the forecast to improve.  At 10:30 PM Wednesday this is what I am seeing:

I propose this Double Loop Route keeping us close to the start.  The northern route is 12.53 miles going via Martin Rd and Skyview to a possible breakfast stop - Scott's Kitchen at Ambassador & Cookingham (a new place for us).  From there straight back to Embassy is 15 miles total.  Lengthening options toward and even around Weatherby Lake could take the mileage up to 19 / 24 / 27 / or 32 miles.

This forecast is not particularly encouraging and I am not inclined to ride on wet streets yet.  Someone did mention Scott's last week.  We could meet regardless and - if the weather cancels or delays up - drive to Scott's for breakfast.  I plan to be at Embassy Suites Thursday.  

Remember that the start is now 8:30AM.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

NEW START 8:30 THURSDAY, Oct. 3rd, Morning Northland Bike Ride to Platte City

October is here!
I'm going to push the start time forward 1/2 hour to 8:30am
Unless there is a late heat wave I'll leave the start time there for a while.

This week I will ride to Platte City via the route below.  The mileage is 17.44 miles there and 14.12 miles back for a total of 31.56 miles.  Breakfast at Roxanne's.

This will be my long ride since August but I think I'm OK.  I can map out a longer return for anybody that wants some extra miles.

The weather looks pretty good though cool.

Monday, September 23, 2019

THURSDAY, Sept 26th - Embassy Suites to Kate's Kitchen - 8:00 AM Start

Bob is headed to Colorado and I am not 100% yet BUT I do have a plan.  This week I have a ride to Kate's Kitchen.  I have stretched the "there" route (this link has there and back via short route) to just under 15 miles.  For me and anyone wanting to join me the "return" route is only 8.6 miles.  Google maps my distance as 23.34 miles total.  Knowing that some of you will want more mileage I have also mapped a longer return route of 21.2 miles for a total of almost 36 miles.  The first 3 miles of both return routes are the same.  At Platte Purchase near Costco the short route (green) takes the trail toward Line Creek Parkway while the longer route (blue) heads north on Platte Purchase.  See the linked routes for details.

The weather looks pretty good for Thursday!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

THURSDAY, September 19 - Embassy Suites to East Bottoms - 8:00 AM Start

I will still be missing from the ride this week.  I have been getting in some short and slow rides.  I do notice improvement but I'm not quite ready for a group ride.

Here's what the plan is: The route below is to the Lunch Box in the East Bottoms.  This maps to be 19.28 miles there and 17.43 back.  Bob will lead again and I will try to meet you there.

Monday, September 9, 2019

THURSDAY, Sept 12 - Embassy Suites to Riverside - 8:00 AM Start

Here is the route planned for Thursday, 9-12.  Breakfast is at the Corner Cafe in Liberty; 14.6 miles there and 17.8 miles returning for 32.4 total.  I'm out of town this week.  I'm going to try to ride a little on the Raccoon River Valley Trail and the High Trestle Trail near Perry Iowa.  I hope I will be able to ride with you all on the 19th.

Weather may be a problem so be aware of a possible cancellation (written on Monday - forecasts have been known to change).

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

THURSDAY, Sep 5, Embassy Suites to Edgerton - 8:00 AM Start PLUS Ken's Birthday

This week: Edgerton via this route -breakfast at Harmer's. It's a little over 19 miles each way with a few hills again.  I'm thinking Dearborn for next week (Sept. 12th).  I will miss riding these but hope to be back in the saddle the following week, September 19th.  I have an appointment with the orthopedist on the 9th to see how I am progressing.  There is a bike trip planned to Perry, Iowa.  I'm not sure if I'll be riding.

No Credit Cards at Harmer's

The weather is looking great:

Don't Forget
Ken McFarland 85th Birthday Celebration
Saturday, Sept 7th

Ken Mc
Click picture for details.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

THURSDAY, August 29 - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 8:00AM Start PLUS Ken McFarland Birthday Party 9-7-19

I have planned this route this route.  Like last week, this one has some hills, too - on 128th, on Winan, on HH all before breakfast at Roxannes - then on Brightwell, on 104th, on Hampton, and Barry.  Glad I have a doctor's note (JK).  The ride is 15.1 miles to Roxanne's and 17.7 back so 32.8 miles total.

Don't Forget
Ken McFarland 85th Birthday Celebration
Saturday, Sept 7th

Ken Mc
Click picture for details.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

THURSDAY, August 22 - Embassy Suites to Smithville - 8:00 AM Start

This week we head back to Family Traditions in Smithville.  The route is 22.7 miles there but only 12.7 miles back for a total of 35.4 miles.  CAUTION on the Virginia downhill on the way there - about mile 14.  I drove this Monday and it's better than the last time I saw it but still a little rough and gravelly especially at the bottom.  On the return trip I have you taking Martin Rd (144th St) from 169 all the way past Skyview to Walker Rd.  There are a series of significant climbs on this stretch (mile 25-28) so be forewarned.

  As of Tuesday 1:30 PM there is a chance of rain but with mild temps and winds out of the NE.  I plan to join you for breakfast.  Thanks again to Bob Papreck for leading the ride in my biking absence.

See you there.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

THURSDAY, August 15th - Embassy Suites to NKC - 8:00 AM Start PLUS BIRTHDAY PARTY for Ken McFarland

Bob will have the reins again for this ride.  I think I may be able to meet you all a the start but I have a follow-up appointment for my elbow etc. at 9:40 that morning.  I have mapped a ride to the First Watch in NKC for this week's ride.  Here is the route.  It measures about 17 there and 15 back for a 32 mile total.

My effects of my injuries seem to be diminishing.  Scars are healing, bruises are less colorful, I can sneeze without pain (that's new).  I can still find painful alignments for my elbow/wrist and even still a little in the shoulder.  I'm hoping that sufficient regeneration will take place over the next month or so such that my return will be on schedule.  I'll keep you updated.


Saralyn McFarland is hosting an 85th Birthday Celebration for Ken as described in her words below (from an email I received).  She had asked that I pass word along to riders in my Thursday group where Ken had ridden a few years ago and Tosha still frequently rides. I am doing that through my blog this week.
Saralyn had also given me a list of some names she wanted to make sure got the word.  She asks if you might pass the info along to anyone you might think is interested as well.
Here is Saralyn’s emailed info about the event:

Attention - All those who know Kenneth McFarland

What - Come help celebrate Ken's 85th birthday

When - September 7, 2019.   4:00 – 6:00

Where - Barry Platte Park
              8526 NW Old Stagecoach Rd.
              Kansas City, MO 64154

    In case of rain –
Barry Christian Church
            1500 NW Barry Road
            Kansas City, Mo 64155

We will have sliders and chips so bring your appetite.
        RSVP:  816 436 5232 (land line)
      816 589 3948 (cell – call or text)

Bikers can get on the 152 Bike Trail and then go E on North Platte Purchase DR - turn R onto NW 87th Terr.  Follow that to Old Stagecoach Rd.  turn L and park is 1/2 mile on your right.

There is extra parking E of the Pathfinder school on NW 87th Terr. with a sidewalk from that parking lot directly to the park.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

THURSDAY, August 8 - No Ride

Due to significant chances of rain and an injured ride leader I am cancelling the ride again this week.  I have made arrangements that the Thursday rides will resume next week, August 15th.  I have a follow-up appointment with the orthopedist that day so I probably won't be able to show but I will make an attempt to make an appearance at the start, finish, and/or breakfast stops on future rides until I am able to join you all again on my bike.

Until next week,

PS - If you missed my exploits see the post from last week.

Friday, August 2, 2019


   Several of you learned of my bike crash on Wednesday.  To fill you in on some details: It was at a low speed only 0.3 miles from being done but I went down medium-hard on my left side.  I was able to get up but it was clear that I needed to be checked out.  There was a small bruise on my head that I didn’t even know was there and a scrape on my right leg – nothing bleeding to speak of.  I sensed tolerable pain in my left shoulder and elbow.
   Kathy came to pick me up to take me to an emergency room where they x-rayed me and determined that I probably had a fractured elbow but no other breaks.  I was fitted with a soft cast that was somewhat uncomfortable and inconvenient.
   Thursday I went to an orthopedist where this diagnosis was confirmed.  The cast was removed and not replaced – I’m happy about that.  I wear a sling but that isn’t necessary all day.  I see the orthopedist again in 2 weeks for more x-rays to see if things are progressing satisfactorily.  If so I will start PT at that point.  I am generally comfortable but I can make my elbow, wrist and upper back sting if I get in the wrong position.  Docs say it will take 6 weeks of non-riding to recover sufficiently.  We’ll see about that – I don’t want to rush things but I was riding 1 month after my first rotator cuff surgery.
   Thanks to those of you who learned of this and expressed “get well” wishes.  This is my first extended time off the bike due to a biking incident in 30+ years of riding.  I know I’ll miss seeing you on bikes but I’ll see you at breakfasts, coffees and other social gatherings as they occur.  You now have the opportunity to catch up (Mike - you will have to ride backwards to catch me); the ride Wednesday put me just over 3300 miles for the calendar year.
  Happy and Safe Biking to you all.  See you soon.

I imagine we can find ride leaders to keep Thursday rides going while I'm out.  Watch this page and/or check your email.

BTW - RAGBRAI PICS - click the bird

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

THURSDAY, August 1st - Figure 8 from Embassy Suites - 8:00 AM Start + BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION


  I am going to cancel today's ride.  The last I looked it appeared that rain might linger for a few more hours,  There will probably be riding weather later today.  I hope you will be able to get out then but NO NORTHLAND GROUP RIDE TODAY.
  Another reason for my decision is that I took a medium-hard spill yesterday (at low speed).  My left arm is in a soft cast with a elbow fracture.  I am making an appointment with an orthopedist today to see what needs to be done.  Initially I was told I could be out for all of August.  I will see about continuing with Thursday rides and probably be able to meet up at the breakfast stops.
  Thanks to Rick McCullough, Dan & Kathy Tiemeier and Kathy L. for tending to me post crash.  I hope to see you all back on the road ASAP.

This week's Thursday route I plan is an old (modified) Figure 8 route.  The southern loop is 17.5 miles around Weatherby Lake.  The northern loop is 15.4 miles going as far as Martin Rd and Skyview.  We could do these in either order with a breakfast stop at the Cracker Barrel either in the middle or at the end.

The weather looks borderline as I write this (6am Wednesday).  Watch this site or check email Thursday morning for possible cancellation. 
Deb Wood's Birthday

Deb is inviting us to help celebrate her birthday.
I imagine texting RSVPs to this number would be a good idea.