Wednesday, June 15, 2022

THURSDAY, June 16th - Embassy Suites to TBD - 8:30 Start


I'm adding this map and a link to the Map-My-Ride route. I'm thinking we could have breakfast at the Corner Cafe in Riverside (15+ miles) or at the Price Rite just off the trail at 64th St and Waukomis Drive (18+ miles).  The entire trip is 31 miles but can be cut short easily if the heat becomes oppressive.  

Original Post

 I'm running a little behind.  I will up date this later today (4:45PM on Wednesday now). Let's count on a ride from Embassy Suites to somewhere starting at 8:30 AM.  It's been pretty warm and humid lately and that will affect my route decision.  The weather doesn't look terribly bad so we'll see.  Check back later if you need to know the route.