Wednesday, April 6, 2022

THURSDAY, April 7 - Northland Bike Ride - Embassy Suites to Platte City - 8:30 Start

 Thursday weather has been sucking pretty much.  I recently even heard a local newscaster say as much as he threw it to the weatherperson for the forecast.

Tomorrow isn't much as an exception with 20+ mph winds.  I think I'm going to try though.  I submit this route.  The outbound is 17.5 miles to Roxanne's in Platte City.  There may be a little relief from wind on the trail.  The return is 12 miles and mostly downwind.  Winds increase as the day goes along so I'm thinking - move the start up to 8:30.

What Do You Say?

BTW - As you may know I've been out hunting the Parade of Hearts hearts, riding to 81 so far (I think).  There is one in Platte City and one at MCI I intend to find en route.